Trucker with decoration in the cabin

How to make your truck feel like home

Heavy Trucks, On the Road, Trucking | October 8, 2021

Trucking is a lot of work. Driving from state to state, loading and unloading freight, it’s an exhausting life. Truckers spend months on the road- long enough for their cabs to feel like a second home. And after a couple of years, it is pretty challenging to keep that “day one excitement.” We will be going over five things you can do to make your truck feel like home and not a work area in this blog. 

-> Keep your cabin clean and organized

-> Stay connected

-> Decorate your cabin

-> Upgrade your sleeping area

-> Have a routine

Keep your cabin clean and organized.

Keeping your trucking looking brand new is essential if you want to create a “feel like home setting.” Decluttering as wiping everything down can help with impressions made with your employer and customer and help destress your drive and keep the air quality in your cabin clean. 

Stay connected

Contacting family members via zoom, facetime, skype, text message, or just a simple phone call can be a great way to stay in touch with your loved ones. Please note: DO NOT text and drive- if you plan to contact someone while driving, make sure you use some headphones to avoid distraction.

Decorate your cabin

Add character or personality into the cab. While pictures of family, friends, or pets can keep those important individuals in your thoughts, posters and photographs are also great because they don’t take up extra space in the cab.

Upgrade your sleeping area

One thing that can help you feel at home – and keep your body healthy – is a good night’s sleep. A comfortable sleeping area is imperative when making long/overnight trips. Investing in high-quality bedding and pillows will help you recharge and get a restful night’s sleep. Restful sleep = an alert, safe driver.

Have a routine

A daily routine helps you stay organized. Try to keep “home routines” in practice while out on the road. If you start the day with a cup of coffee or a morning workout at home, do the same while on the road – it may be modified but keeping regular routines can provide calming and familiar experiences as you start or end each day.

These are just a few of the many ways that drivers can make their cabins feel like home – it might not be as easy as most think! We hope you’ve found these tips helpful, and we encourage you to follow our blog for more helpful trucking-related posts.