OEM vs. Aftermarket Parts: Pros and Cons
When it’s time to make repairs to your car, RV, or truck, you have two majors options: take it to the dealer’s auto shop, or take it to an independent shop. You probably already knew this, but there is an important difference between both.
Typically, a dealer’s shop will work with OEM parts, and an independent shop will work with aftermarket parts. The difference is that OEM parts are made by and for the manufacturer of a vehicle, and aftermarket parts are similar, but not made by the manufacturer of a vehicle.
OEM parts are designed exactly like the original parts put in your vehicle. Aftermarket parts, however, are designed only similarly. Sometimes they can function better than OEM parts. Sometimes they don’t. If you know a lot about your own car and its parts, then you may be ready to dive into aftermarket parts. If you don’t know much about the parts in your car, OEM is a safer choice. But it all depends on what you want.
Here we go over some of the biggest pros and cons with aftermarket and OEM vehicle parts. Ultimately, the decision is yours when you need to replace a part or when you’re considering upgrading your vehicle.
- Easy and simple to choose – unlike aftermarket parts, they will usually come in one type.
- Quality guaranteed – these parts will be designed to function exactly like the original part.
- Warranty – most dealerships and automakers offer warranties for their parts.
- Higher cost – compared to aftermarket parts, these parts will cost considerably more.
- Limited availability – these parts are purchased through an automaker or select suppliers.
- Lower cost – these parts are usually less costly than OEM parts, depending on brand.
- Potentially better quality – these parts might function equal to or better than OEM.
- Variety – more variety of parts mean more functionality, and a range of prices.
- Potentially worse quality – these parts also might not function as well as OEM parts.
- Extra selection – the increased variety might be overwhelming, and increases your risk.
- No warranty – some of these parts are sold without a warranty, depending on price.
At the heart of it, OEM parts are all created equal, and aftermarket parts are not created equal. The best option depends on what you are looking for or what you need. Read over the pros and cons of both options, and this will help you make a more informed decision and ultimately get the most out of your vehicle.